class. the romney small government republicans of which he was sort of the type will look around and say maybe this isn t my party anymore. if paul ryan is not sticking around with everything that comes from being speaker, why should i. i think it could potentially have significant ripple effects into 2018 and i think we ll start to see that over the next couple weeks. we re going to hit filing dead laines relatively soon. the phone lines are burning up at the rnc and dnc and elsewhere. thank you for that. on this businey morning, we hav another big breaking story. president trump just telegraphed exactly what the u.s. military is poised to do in syria and he did it in a tweet with a serious snub to russia on top. russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at syria. get ready russia. because they will be coming nice and new and smart. you shouldn t be partners with a
white house reporter for usa today, heidi pryzbyla. good to have you all. heidi, the roy moore story is not going away for republicans. and it seems that donald trump is trying to have it both ways. or maybe no way at all. how nervous are republicans on the hill right now, especially in the senate, about this race? think about this, joe. that their best option at this point, just tactically, in terms of keeping this seat in the hands of republicans, would be, at this point, since they can t get him off the ballot for this man, roy moore, an accused sexual offender of minors, to come to the senate and for mitch mcconnell to have to unseat him. so i think they re extremely nervous right now. the best thing that would happen right now for the republican party would be if the state party would get on board with trying to push roy moore out. right now they re circling the
but we re talking about the country more than we re talking about a political party. and one political party within our republic is slowly before our eyes just disappearing from what it once was. if you go out and ask the average american, what s your view on a 31-year-old district attorney making arrangements to meet a 14-year-old girl for a date. he s going to pick her up two blocks from her home, you think that s okay? what s the answer going to be? but not in the united states senate, clearly. the republican voters have demonstrated a capacity to rationalize a way so much horrible news as a result of constructs they create in their minds. we had michael anton s which demonstrates this country is heading for a collision. no matter what we do. we might as well do something dramatic and defiant in the
seat se seated. this is so bad for the republican party on some fronts. i wonder if mitch mcconnell and other republican leaders are thinking the best thing that could happen is a democrat could win the alabama race. this is the worst lose/lose n scenario for them. whether moore wins or loses, it s a loss for the gop across the board. it s a loss if he wins. because now we have brought to our table an alleged pedophile and someone in which nine women before he got to the senate staked a claim against his candidacy in this person. it s a loss for the party, certainly, if he loses because then that base plays into the narrative that you just put out there that the elite in washington have taken down our candidate. that has ramifications around the country for some close races next year. and the party right now does not want to be in either of those
voter. you could see the tide start to turn against republicans in arizona and with that conservative doctor running there, you could have someone like martha mcsally decide not to run for the senate in the coming months because arizona s party term, but flake and senate flake have turned away from the party. the democrats right now, they watched that quote and think maybe arizona could go blue. robert costa, michael steele, thank you both. coming up, senator kiersten jill brand said bill clinton should have resigned the presidency turn his scandal with monica lewinsky. she went even further last night on kasie/dc. we ll bring you that straight ahead. is made of.