because you saw these representations that you d never seen before. the premise of the fresh prince was this kid who comes from philadelphia. in west philadelphia born and raised on the playground is where i spent most of my days his mom says i m going to send you to live with your uncle. he shows up at this mansion in bel air, baseball cap on backward. like he doesn t even know how to act in this environment. the black producers and directors and writers were always playing with this kind of subverting expectations of what is blackness. the incredible work of the fresh prince at its most triumphant is when it was showing the ways that being black is always going to be a problem no matter what. vehicle registration, please. just a second. but the thing, officer, this isn t my car. there s the episode i remember where they get pulled over in a car. what? he is going to tell us to get out of the car. you watch too much tv.
prince was this kid who comes from philadelphia. in west philadelphia born and raised s on the brplayground is where spent most of my days his mom says, i m going to send you to live with your uncle. he shows up at this mansion in bel air, baseball cap on backward. like he doesn t even know how to act in this environment. the black producers and directors and writers were always playing with this kind of subverting expectations of what is blackness. the incredible work of the fresh prince at its most triumphant is when it was showing the ways that being black is always going to be a problem, no matter what. vehicle registration, please. just a second. but the thing is, officer, this isn t my car. there s the episode, i remember, where they get pulled over in a car what? he s going to tell us to get out of the car. you watch too much tv, will.
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act in this environment. the black producers and directors and writers were always playing with this kind of subverting expectations of what is blackness. the incredible work of the fresh prince at its most triumphant is when it was showing the ways that being black is always going to be a problem no matter what. vehicle registration, please. just a second. but the thing, officer, this isn t my car. there s the episode i remember where they get pulled over in a car. what? he is going to tell us to get out of the car. you watch too much tv. get out of the car. we have an interaction with the police officer that is horrible and racist in a lot of ways. and carlton has this epiphany about how money won t save him. no map is going to save you. and neither is your glee club or your fancy bel air address or who your daddy is. because when you re driving in a nice car in a strange
bel air, baseball cap on backward. like he doesn t even know how to act in this environment. the black producers and directors and writers were always playing with this kind of subverting expectations of what is blackness. the incredible work of the fresh prince at its most triumphant is when it was showing the ways that being black is always going to be a problem no matter what. vehicle registration, please. just a second. but the thing, officer, this isn t my car. there s the episode i remember where they get pulled over in a car. what? he is going to tell us to get out of the car. you watch too much tv. get out of the car. we have an interaction with the police officer that is horrible and racist in a lot of ways. and carlton has this epiphany about how money won t save him.