if it s their private property, the retort, well they let us build a church in mecca? and i just wonder why anybody would hold the united states of america to such a low standard of another country that doesn t allow religious freedom? right. yeah i don t get it. i think that angers a lot of americans, you know, this will prove our tolerance. we are tolerant. joe, the president has something coming out of the bullpen to rescue him from this episode, and it is the economy. people voting this fall are going to be more interested in their jobs and keeping their homes than they are in the mosque. all right. we re going to keep talking about this. and a lot more coming up next we re going to go inside the gop midterm playbook. republicans prepare to launch a new ad blitz. while president obama s numbers go to record lows. what democrats are going to find themselves in the crosshairs, and can the president help? that s next in our political playbook. also an early barometer for
more clarity on the issue? does that give them a little more, where if they re not in washington, they re not as hypersectionive to all the criticism? or are they getting all these frantic phone calls from camps around the country? look, i guess this does have the feel of something, are we really going to be just talking about it in september and october? and by the way, if we are, isn t that bad news for republicans, because we re not talking about the economy? yeah. if the republicans are talking about any other issue other than the economy they ought to be sued for malpractice. you know what, i actually think they ought to let these issues that are very controversial take the openings, i guess they can have the position on the mosque but if they would focus on the economy don t you think that would make for a winner? you can spin the mosque. you can spin bp. you can spin all of these side issues. you can spin gay marriage. you can t spin 15% real unemployment. you can t spin
that type of hate speech will help republicans win the i-4 corridor in florida, that that type of speech will help republicans live in the type win in the type of blue-collar districts, pat, that you re talking about, that you were so popular in from cleveland, ohio, over to central pennsylvania, they re missing the boat. this is not how the republicans win in 2012, is it? no, it s not. but, what newt is looking at, i think, joe, is not so much winning over moderates right now, that he s going to get into the republican primaries. he s going to run to the right of romney. and he s going to try to get those folks, and there are millions of americans undeniably now that the president has nationalized the issue who are very upset over this. and probably take generally if they have a right to build it, it should be built somewhere else. newt is trying to rally these folks behind him in a republican race, and that s the way you get the nomination. once you get it, this type of
i just have so much anecdotal evidence. it s like i was telling mark mckinnon. everywhere we go, republicans, conservative republicans like me, who believe in small government, who believe in cutting taxes, who believe in balancing budgets, who believe in restraint in our foreign policy, they come up and hug me. liberal democrats come up and hug me, and you, and what do they all say? they even hug me? the men, especially. oh, well. but they all say, wherever we go from los angeles to new york to lower alabama to michigan, they all say, thank you, thank you, thank you. i m tired of that type of politics. i sense a shift, as well. but it s up next chuck todd who is traveling with the president here in los angeles. also this hour, former white house communications director anita dunn joins us. and remarkable scene in colombia where 130 people survived when a passenger jet crashes.