welcome back to the ed sh show . the 20th gop debate just wrapped up. the candidates were unified in their position to president obama s foreign policy. it s almost like they had cut a deal. apparently the guy who kills terrorists isn t hawkish enough for this crowd. all of us are more at risk today, men and women, boys and girls, than at any time in the history of this country. i think this is a very sober period and i believe this is the most dangerous president on national security grounds in american history. if you want to know what foreign policy position to take, find out what joe biden s position is and take the opposite of him and we ll be right 100% of the time. we must not allow iran to have a nuclear weapon. if they do, the world changes, america will be at risk and some day nuclear weaponry will be used. if i m president, that will not han. if we reelect bruk obama, it will happen. to help me mop up that