phrase. in this indictment. do you think there is more to come? i think he is telling us there is this is not the final word. is the mueller investigation headed toward proving cause and effect or not? his mandate could cover that but his mandate certainly covers what we saw friday and i think it s a pretty good road map to the way the investigation is being conducted. how did russia, in a mechanical sense, actually carry this off? what does that mean? to answer your question earlier, what does it mean for the president, it isn t good news for him in the larger sense but it is in the smaller and specific sense that this set of indictments and the backup material that goes with it does
because liberals are saying you are not going to get a tax cut here. and when they see the reality, middle class families 60, $80,000, how much money getting back it will be win. but those are guys, when you have the president, last time really talking on taxes when he was saying, oh, my rich friends, they are really not going to like me. this isn t good news for them. then when you see this individual tax rate down to 37% which was initially floated 39.6, that s just wrong. this is good news. and phil mattingly reporting at the end of the day this is what the president wanted he wanted the number being 37. tan the reason we did that by the way is it turns out that about two third of the people who are paying that 37% in that 37% tax bracket are small businesses owners. the employers of this country. you can t have jobs without
staff to twice a day working with the democratic national committee to come up with 25 pages of flattering complimentary stuff about the president and in response to that, you would have said, what? well, i think the thing i would have said is that it is my job as the white house press secretary to help the president under what is happening in the world. i can t tell you how many time president obama called me to his office and said, josh, what s going on out there? and he wasn t just making small talk. he was interested in my view about what kinds of policies were making news and trying to understand how they are being covered. because he knew that would have an impact on his ability to lead the country. he wanted to put forward the most effective argument he could. he was someone prolific in consuming news on his ipad and sometimes television. he wanted to understand how the information was being consumed and how the country was interpreting it.
or greeting workers on the assembly line or somewhere else. it was his mechanism for getting feedback. and if that feedback loop is severed, you are at grave risk of having president of the united states that is totally out of touch. and lawrence, this is also why it is important. and you touched on one of the more troubling elements of this report. you had members of the senior staff competing to deliver this good news to the president, trying to ingratiate themselves to the president by delivering good news. the reason you are paid money to work in the white house is to tell the president bad news. to tell the president of the united states, you know that answer that you give the news conference, it isn t received in the way you intend it or mr. president, something terrible happened in the world and we have to figure out what to do about it. those are the people serving the president and country well. those are the true professionals, not the ones competing to try to improve the pre
news, in effect. don t bring me anything that isn t good news. i would expect to see over time a collapse in the polls. because it s the bad news that is going to that is going to bring you down in the polls, and if you are incapable of responding to the bad news or dealing with what is considered the bad news in your white house, that s only going to make you sink more in the polls and this is where we find the current president. yeah. lawrence, that s exactly right. president obama talked about this as living in the fish bowl. and that everybody could see you, everybody sees what is happening in the white house, pretty clearly. but being able to get feedback about how what s happening in the white house is being received across the country, requires the president of the united states to go to great lengths to go to a lot of effort. that s why president obama talked a lot about his desire to travel across the country and when he traveled across the country he wanted to find opport