children. he could get the death penalty if convicted of organizing the break-in at bird and melanie billings home near pensacola last year. well, the octopus that gained world fame by picking winners at the world cup has died! of natural causes. paul correctly predicteded the outcome of eight out of eight world cup matches this summer including picking spain to win the whole thing. the aquarium in germany where paul lives says they are devastated over his death and they want to give paul a burial plot and create a special shrine for him. didn t he go against germany? didn t he go against his own people in the final game? i m calling for an investigation of the killing of paul! gone but not forgotten. brian kilmeade is outside with a true legend of sports. thank you very much, steve. he s the crown prince of basketball and i say that in the kindest way. he brought smiles to millions of faces around the globe for decades for generations. i m talking about the real star
these are some nice digs. i like the leather but tell me this is the fire nancy pelosi bus. wow, you have you know what to be driving around in this thing. you know, we ve been to some bold parts of the country where, you know, folks kind of look at us funny when we roll up with the bus. no kidding. oh, yeah. i ll tell you, we ve had more positive signs waved at us than negative and it has been a wonderful experience to be on this bus. we have taken the time to take this into all parts of the country. we re going to be probably by this weekend 16,000 miles on the road, six weeks on the road, 48 states and gretchen, i ll tell you, it s been a lot of fun. people out there is jazzed up with this november election. how did you come up with the title of the bus? we sat down and listened to people. what were they talking about? they were talking about jobs and, you know, the best way to, you know, we thought to approach this was, well, let s put it in the context of jobs. you wan
$2,000 deductible on medicare. and jack conway was forced to define why he brought up something that happened in college when rand paul was at baylor university with his stuff. i didn t question your religion. i questioned your judgment. look at how the race is shaping up right now. paul is ahead, 46% to 41.7%. of course, that s the average. that s why you get a decimal point there. with one week to go. in the meantime, there s a lot of violence that went on. not a lot but there was an incident that happened outside. the debate was pretty much, you know, right down the line. look what happened outside. this woman is attacked by all the people outside the debate. this kind of stuff frankly i don t care what side of the fence you re on, this should not be going on. ridiculous. she s a member of and she had this thing and walked directly through some rand paul supporters. you know, obviously, to get the dialogue going but they ripped off her wig and threw her to the groun
contract because there was a series of violations of our news ethics code. we had talked to him about it. nothing changed. this was the latest in the series of incidents that happened. but you ve had npr people advocate the killing of christians, advocate the killing of jesse helms, were those people fired? that s not true. yes, it is. i have it right here. i have the quotes right here, vivian. i mean i spoke to you. i ve given you my statement and now let me go into my meeting, ok? one last thing, you suggested that juan needed to see a psychiatrist. that s absolutely shameful, don t you admit? i apologize for that statement. it was a glib, thoughtless remark. i d say so. what did juan williams have to say? we ll play you his reaction coming up later on in tuesday s telecast. who is the master of debt? he s here. our national debt is up by $5 trillion since nancy pelosi declared there would be no new deficit spending. how would the president explain
know what the gas mileage is of this thing? well, i think we get ken, what do we get? about eight. they were trying to tell me 45. this thing isn t gas powered, is it? yeah. it s diesel. yeah. i meant it s electric. it s not electric, no. we get gas and it s a really big tank. gretch, just behind michael steele there are a whole bunch of good and plenties, the one that chris doesn t take. can you grab those, would you? bring them on in. you want those for breakfast? yeah, of course i ve been up since 2:00! i will bring those into you immediately, guys. back to you. thanks, michael. thank you. obviously, michael steele will be there through halloween and he s got to get ready for trick or treaters. does good and plenty need an expiration date? do they always taste the same? we ll find out. i found out last week michael steele and i share a birthday. same birthday. get out of here. why don t you celebrate together next year?