people with different perspectives coming together and forging compromises. the reason we know that is because our constitution is replete with compromises. so it s unfortunate that some in the house republican conference are, again, trying to start trouble when they know all paul ryan is doing is what any congressional leader has to do, which is to sit at the table and reach a compromise so we can fund the federal government. chuck schumer isn t 100% happy with the deal that was cut. nancy pelosi isn t either. she actually whipped against it, even though she signed off it. think about that. so paul ryan is doing the benefit we can with institutions that require people to work together. we are going to have to leave it there. appreciate your time. thanks again. all right. you all have a good day. adam schiff will meet with the fbi to discussion actions for the democratic memo president trump decided not to release. will anything change?
an interview when there aren t any charges against him? that sail argument, chris christie was governor and commentator. one thing he blikd being the u.s. attorney was that only he knew what he knew. so it seems odd on the one hands to say only mueller knows what muell mueller knows and on the other hand to say he shouldn t sit down for an interview. i think mueller knows nothing about what mueller knows just like you don t and i don t. if there is a request, it seems in interests of finding the truth, for the president to sit down for an interview. and the issue of whether or not the presidency is different, people like to say no one is above the law and the president isn t either. it happens to be the case that the president already does get a lot of special protections. there s an office of legal counsel opinion that a lot of
north korea fired off another missile over japan. nikki haley and h.r. mcmasters promised action and response and telegraphing that there s a military option for north korea without saying what that might be obviously. claudia is here with the independent women s forum. claudia, we re not going to tip our hand what that would be and the president isn t either. but we re running out of patience. i know that is the case with everyone of these launches. but north korea is not running out of chutzpah here. what do you make of it? what i make of it, we may be heading for a war although nobody wants to think that. it s not because of president trump. it s because of presidents since bill clinton, george bush and especially barack obama have kicked this down that fabled road. until we ve arrived at a point until they re lobbies intercontinental ballistic missiles over our treaty now. they appeared to successfully
president trump will not invoke executive privilege to try to block his testimony. we got from the senator, smoke, smoke, hypothetical, smoke. eric: we had someone a couple days ago who said there s a heck of a lot of smoke. doesn t necessarily mean there is fire. if you caught the megyn kelly interview with vladimir putin, he said you are making so much out of it, there is nothing there. and there is nothing there. if there isn t either, then i understand. this ended up being the best thing to happen to donald trump. special prosecutor, so these people can say i m not talking to your panels in the house and the senate and the doj. i will wait for the special prosecutor and if there is something there, then there s something there. my hunch is there s not going to be anything there. kat: vladimir putin, whatever he says makes no difference in terms of what i ultimately think. i am waiting to see what happen happens. vladimir putin, i wouldn t get a letter of recommendation from
obama on, this brad. there is no defense for president obama on this. hey, trump was running for president. steve: okay. we heard that part. brad, you get the final word. dallas you get the final word. steve come on, steve. have you had plenty of words. there is no defense for president obama s lack of coherent policy here and president trump is developing one of strength and showing that he can make america great again by showing strength in the world. dropping a few missiles is not a policy, dallas. you need a policy. drawing a red line and running from it isn t either. steve: something had to happen after assad killed those people. war crimes. all right. dallas and brad, always a pleasure, thank you very much. thank you. steve: what do you think about that in email us if you watch any other channel this morning, you would think these two, steve bannon and reince priebus are about to kill each other. not so fast. ed henry joins us live with