did you that route, it is very easy to make a wrong turn. he took a wrong turn from the u.s. into mexico. a wrong turn into the twilight zone. meanwhile, he has been in a mexican prison and the days languish on for him. and he is beaten. he has been chained. he has been treated terribly. he has had some contact with the consulate. but, what about the higher ups? well, i personally spoke to vice president biden about this case. he was not completely up-to-speed on it it i explained it to him. handed him a letter. he said he is going to look into it. this was now 88 days ago. what has he done? well, the vice president today had a working lunch with the minister, the interior minister of mexico. did he bring up the case of this marine hero? also, the president of the united states spoke to the the president of mexico. didn t we just ask about it? no, demand that he be freed immediately.
and you know what? you did it. 100,000 of you have officially signed that white house petition to get sergeant tahmooressi s case in front of the president. the jailed u.s. marine in mexico, did the president press that case with the mexican president. i don t have any more details of that conversation but can i take a look into that for you. that s right. looks like president obama did not bother to ask the mexican president about sergeant tahmooressi in their phone call just a short time ago. elena ross leyton joins us. i had to readout, the summary. is he talking to the president in mexico. no mention of our marine. it it inexclusive. it is obscene, it is horrific. this is a marine veteran. this is a hero who has served our country in combat. worn our nation s uniform. two tours. suffering with ptsd. trying to get help. as you pointed out because