green team for their use of snowballs they were much more aggressive. that red team gets it. jerry versus julie. your job is to argue baby it is cold outside cancel or christmas classic? tell us why we should cancel baby it s cold outside. if that isn t hard enough the audiences against you. we will also add.
pro-economic policies to create entrepreneurial opportunities for young people. that s the way we win young people. trace: isn t hard to get this message across to college kids? colleges across the country seem to be very woke and they seem to have this kind of, you know what, the people on the right are not good. people in the left are good. has been a concerted effort by left-leaning institutions to indoctrinate young people. public schools, institutions of higher learning. they are trying to demonize conservative values in every which way they can. telling people to hate america because it s a racist nation they should be ashamed of. but that s not true. the morning of people we see today are getting more and more vocal in rejecting that nonsense because they are freethinkers and they love this country. trace: i want to move on to the virginia tech soccer player. she played and her team was having kind of a protest. she is having the civil rights protest for social justice
green team for their use of snowballs they were much more aggressive. that red team gets it. jerry versus julie. your job is to argue baby it is cold outside cancel or christmas classic? tell us why we should cancel baby it s cold outside. if that isn t hard enough the audiences against you. we will also add.
green team for their use of snowballs they were much more aggressive. that red team gets it. jerry versus julie. your job is to argue baby it is cold outside cancel or christmas classic? tell us why we should cancel baby it s cold outside. if that isn t hard enough the audiences against you. we will also add.
person, and now the rubber meets the road what it means to be a leader. exactly right. if you look at kevin mccarthy, the two titles, words in his title are, you know, leader and speaker. he s not leading. and he s not speaking out, because he s constrained by the dynamics of the caucus he s desperately trying to lead or c corral is probably a better term. but if you can t condemn this you actually are incapable of leader. can t don dcondemn this, the lo bar possible. shouldn t have invited into his home a notorious white supremacist holocaust denier and anti-semite, what can you condemn? the great republicans are stepping up particularly in the senate. particularly romney. we ve come to expect that. every else tiptoeing and those still silent. grow a spine, people. this isn t hard. listen, to to poppy s point. it took a while.