Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - My FAMILY, dog sits for me and my husband everytime we go out of town. We have no kids and travel alot. We take our dog over to MY FAMILY all the time. Well, I feel it s only right that HIS FAMILY DO THE SAME. We are arguing about this right now. He says his family is not into it and have never done this and isn t going to ask them. Um, am I asking too much here? Would love your feedback.
Here is what the 432 had to say about it?
Stormy Self
Not all families are the same..just because your family is willing..honestly board the dog and it solves the problem
Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - Every time I BUY new clothes my wife wants me to WASH THE CLOTHES before I wear them. I m not going to LIE, I don t wash new clothes when I get them. She s says I m gross. LOL, Am I the only one that DOESN T wash their brand new clothes when I wear them for the first time???
Here s What THE 432 HAD TO SAY About It
Ismael DjIce Arenivas
Actually, most people don t, but should wash them before wearing. From the manufacturer, then wearhouse, to retailer, all the shipping in between. People possibly trying on at retail level. Although you may not see or smell the clothes, they are dirty … See More
Xavier Lamar Anders
I would say that it s your recliner and it s your house. You want to be comfortable within your own house and if having your shoes on is comfortable to you then so be it. But women see it as cleanliness. They would rather you have your shoes off to kee… See More · Reply · · 59m
Chris Garcia
Heck naw. your chair,your foot rest, your problem. Stand your ground cause you create your own monsters. She said the foot rest is part of the furniture. The garage is part of the house so bring your stuff in from the garage. That’s stupid logic
Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - I guess I haven t made GATE CODE status! My MAN will not give me the Gate Code to his apartment to get in. We ve been gong out for a while and I m always over there BUT nope..I ve asked and he says don t worry about it. I know it s not a big deal, at least I hope it s not, but it bothers me a little. Why is he hesitant on this?
Jennifer Lee Sanchez
Depends how long you have been dating for. I personally wouldn t give out a gate code stalkers are real and some people are bitter after break ups. It s really not a big deal chill out and enjoy the ride.