Recently, Island Ship Center (ISC) had the humbling honor to create a banner for our dear friend, guest, and client, Tonya Hollederer, to honor her daughter, actively-serving U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Kaitlyn Hollederer, and her late son, Cory Zaranek, who passed away as a result of traumatic mental health issues after serving our country as an 11-year veteran corpsman in the U.S. Navy.
In the era of information overload and heightened concerns about data security, the importance of secure document disposal cannot be overstated. At Island Ship Center, our independently owned community pack and ship store, we understand the significance of safeguarding your confidential information. That s why we re proud to offer secure shredding services in collaboration with our trusted partner, Shred-it.
Niagara Falls is known worldwide for its tourism industry, but Grand Island is developing its own niche in offering several bed and breakfast options for people visiting the area to see the sites or visit relatives nearby.
When your business accomplishments raise not only your bottom line but the standard in your particular industry, what do you do? If you re Seema and Fahim Mojawalla, owners of Grand Island s Island Ship Center (ISC), you offer to host a conference and share your steps to success with fellow business owners from across the United States. Then, according to Fahim, six years later when you have grown that business into a million-dollar operation, you offer to do it all over again.