New SSD campaign pushes for accessible online options in fall return plans
Graphic by Sie Douglas-Fish.
The University of Victoria recently announced plans to fully return to campus in Fall 2021. This decision has sparked concern from the Society for Students with a Disability (SSD), who say UVic’s plans fail to accommodate students that have benefitted from the accessibility online school offers.
According to Mae Mason, a student living with a disability who is currently working with the SSD, the Equitable Education Campaign was launched after concerns about having to fully return to campus were expressed to the organization. These concerns were shared by students with disabilities and immunocompromised students after the university made their plans for a campus return public.
VICTORIA Another high school on Vancouver Island is reporting a possible COVID-19 exposure. Island Health says the potential exposure took place at Royal Bay Secondary School on Jan. 15. According to the health authority, just one person in the school community has tested positive for the virus so far. “Island Health is completing contact tracing to identify any staff or students that need to self-isolate or self-monitor for symptoms,” reads a letter sent to families on Jan. 18. Anyone who is contacted by public health staff will be required to self-isolate for 14 days. Families that are not contacted by Island Health do not need to take any additional actions and may continue going to school.