Todays agenda. In addition to general Public Comment, Public Comment will be held during each item on the agenda. Members of the public may address the board for up to three minutes. You will hear a single chime and there are 30 seconds remaining. Prior to making your comments, please state your name and the organization you are representing, if any, for the record. So tease are for items that are not on the agenda. We have an agenda that is a special meeting for specific matters. So, if there is anybody who wishes to address the board on nonagenda items, please come forward. Hearing none item number three, communications to and received by tita. I think we have a audiovisual problem right here. Yeah. Are you ok now . For the time being. But it keeps ok. All right. So, yes. So, any Communications Received by tita that needs to be reported . Tida that needs to be reported . Item number four, Consent Agenda. All matters listed here under constitute a Consent Agenda are considered to be r
I just want to make sure that that is a condition of the lease, it is a question, it is a condition of the lease and that responsibility of dredging when it is necessary in the ongoing maintenance is going to be the responsibility of the marina operator t. I. E. Correct, the future maintenance of the access exanl t channel to the cove as wells maintenance within and around the marina facilities will be the responsibility of the operator. Thank you. And where is is it in the lease . Or a verbal commitment of t. I. E. That existing tenants will be able to lease based on the size of their boat and not the size of the slip . Where is that agreement or that promise made . I believe that has been a verbal commitment but ill have rich, its not incorporated in the language lease. No, its not incorporated in the lease. Then we would charles indicated we would make that amendment to the lease if the board so directed. Thank you. I think thats all of my questions today. If there is no more questi
Commissioners, commissioner jeff sheehy and [inaudible] safai, with that, mr. Clerk, lets call the ro l. Iem tem 1, roll call, commissioner breed, absent, commissioner farrell, absent, commissioner safai, present, commissioner sheehy. Er prenlt. Sheehy, present. Commissioner tang . Present. We have a quorum. Er thank you, item 2, please. Er item 2, Citizens Advisory Committee report, this is an information item. Alright. Thank you, we have chris [inaudible], our cac chair here. Good morning, commissioners, welcome, new commissioners, good to see new faces and current faces, good to see you all, we only had one item thats on your agenda this morning, item number 4, the allocation of 653 thousand in prop k funds to bart for balboa park station. Very minor in a lot of ways but we had some concerns over the et thet ix of the glass head house in comparison to the brutality earn design that is at glen park and balboa park station. I spoke with the architect and he said that the designs were
Would like to address the board . Please come up and state your name, please. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is serene sandage and i am the president of sandage urban glup, a Affordable Housing developer that specializing in low to moderate Income Development and i dont know if im early or late. Hope im on time but we are interesting gathering information how to provide and participate in the transitional housing piece that is slated to be on the property so i came to introduce myself and find out what the process is and next step squz who should contact as a follow up for plans and prezen sentations. If you can leave yourp card ill be in touch with you. Thank you very much. Bob is our executive director and can get information from him. Anybody else addressing the commission today . Good afternoon. My name is sharon lee and i am representing the [inaudible] Culinary Academy and i am interest said finding out the proper channels how to start a Culinary Program for the youth from
Exactly how much it will take up. The kind of births that will be in the new marina. So, i have a letter today from the sierra club formally objecting to the proposed marina expansion. I also have a letter today from the anchor out community which is extremely disturbed how thiz proposal will reduce for anchor outs in the cov. And i also have a letter from folks associated with the Treasure Island Sailor Center. The center signed off on this pro posal and that is upset the Sailing Community a great deal. They appreciate the spirit the center and making the sacrifice but dont think it makes sense so have a letter how the programs will be reduced and objecting by the sacrifice. Signed by the executive director tof center and u. S. Sailing association and numerous world chamian sailors. This is disastrous proposal because there is a bad process. The tenant are not inclueded in and outside the Sailor Center wasnt included rchlt a lot of letter are addressed to bcdc because the community is