Heard on Main Street: Ever wonder? Why is it lemon juice contains mostly artificial ingredients, but dishwashing liquid contains real lemons? The issue of sea level rise may be one of the most pressing for our Island. We know that the high school and Charter School kids are gathering with folks from Mass Audubon Felix […]
The Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Conference is returning “after a longer than expected hiatus” on Monday, Oct. 24. The event is set to take place at the Martha’s Vineyard Film Center from 9 am to 5:30 pm. The conference is hosted by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, The Trustees of Reservations, Barnstable County, the […]
“The Vineyard Way: Connected to Our Past, Committed to Our Future,” is the theme of a Climate Action Plan being developed by dozens of Island residents through the Martha’s Vineyard Commission. Next week (May 8 – 14) is Climate Action Week, a community engagement piece of the Climate Action Plan. The goal is to inspire […]
Greetings from cold, bright, and snowy Ithaca, N.Y., where I am visiting seasonal Aquinnah residents Rachel and Mike McDonald. The air is bracing, and the snow has a pleasing crunch to it. Ithaca is a charming town, and there is a small ski mountain close by, where some members of our group are taking advantage […]
Last week was Groundhog Day and of course the groundhog saw his shadow and the rest of the U.S. will get six more weeks of winter. We, here on Martha’s Vineyard, will have winter until mid-May like we always do, regardless of the groundhog and its shadow. That’s about 13 weeks, but who’s counting? At […]