Delhi Police s Special Cell has arrested two individuals with expertise in creating improvised explosive devices (IEDs) using common chemicals. Mohammed Shahnawaz Alam, a mining engineer, and Arshad Warsi, a physics teacher and PhD student, were taken into custody for suspected involvement in terror-related activities. The suspects had knowledge of explosives, raising concerns among the anti-terror unit.
Three suspected ISIS terrorists wanted by the NIA have been sent to police remand for seven days. They were planning terror incidents in North India with instructions from foreign-based handlers.
India News: Over two months of surveillance-based operations and raids at over 200 locations in north India has led the Delhi Police’s special cell to arrest a “m
My name is Brother Emmanuel Nnabugo. I reside at Adeoya Street, Mushin, Lagos. I became a true member of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries in Qatar, when our G.O. visited the country in 2014. My case was like the biblical account of Prophet Jonah who in attempt to run away from serving God, ended […]