Russian intelligence documents obtained by a UK-based investigative organization suggest that the Kremlin’s security services were aware of an ISIS threat days before the deadly attack on the Crocus City Hall near Moscow.
Last weekend’s terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue was gory, disgusting, inhumane, savage… pick your negative adjective. A team of multiple shooters, clad in what looks like fatigues and stocked with automatic weapons, stormed the building as soon as the sold-out performance was about to get underway.
The US warned Moscow that ISIS militants were determined to target Russia in the days before assailants stormed the Crocus City Hall in an attack that killed scores of people, but President Vladimir Putin rejected the advice as “provocative.”
ISIS has called the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall in Moscow Oblast their "most brutal attack in recent years" and posted photos of the terrorists. Their clothing matches that of the detainees whose photos were posted by the FSB.