along 20 years in afghanistan, especially for the u.s. forces, we have watched it on the groun from the very beginning before 9 /11 and embedment after embedment, sacrifices have been made by the u.s. troops, lots o money spent to. the concerns that it could all go south literally. i also want to mention john wit the threat of terrorism, terrorism aside from that caliban going up in fact if the do takeover. al qaeda allegedly is not going to be supported, but that s not what we re hearing on the ground , also local chapters of isis et cetera et cetera. one other last point is the threat to the afghan people. we talked to female leaders talking about the threat to the social gains that has been one of the concrete gains coming from the u.s. involvement in afghanistan, and certainly we heard very clearly that there
i think right now saying administration that comes out tough and says, look if you do this, there will be a massive cost to you. i think definitely figured into the calculus in the regime and probably the russians and a saying, don t use chemical weapons because you will lose another fit of air force or more. bill: if that is true in syria, you wonder if that is true with a carry on effect for al qaeda or isis et cetera. the reason i asked you is because james mattis is talking yesterday. there is a push right now and all likelihood that more u.s. forces will be deployed to afghanistan. he said the following about that. we may have pulled our troops out too rapidly, reduced the numbers a little too rapidly, but the difference today is the afghan army is actually able to carry the fight. bill: he set a lot just that short sentence there. first of all, we pulled our troops out too rapidly. 100% true. when you are building relationships in afghanistan and building relationships on
enforcement and trying to streamline legal immigration. this is ridiculous if you re looking at the politics of this. donald trump s not only leading in the polls, but clearly shaping what the debate is now for a lot of the republicans. i want to play him on morning joe today talking about how he gets his advice. i actually think it s a very good answer because i ll see certain people i like, i ll see certain people that i don t like, i m taking it to the next step. some of the people i do like and respect are actually coming up to the office over the next few weeks and we re going to be talking about things such as defense and military and isis et cetera. as to his foreign policy and military advisors, he says he watches different news shows to get them. voters can relate to that. that means anyone can get advice from what they re finding out in public. he also mentioned colonel jack
whether we will get it passed, but when. it will happen either tonight or it will happen on wednesday or sometime in between then. but really within that 72-hour window we are going to pass the house-passed usa freedom act which passed the house with a supermajority of 238 votes. this is a good day for the american people whose rights will be protected, whose fourth amendment and privacy interests will be defended at the same time their national security interests will also be protected and preserved. but 72 hours, that would still provide a window where these powers are suspended. and as the president described when he was making the case on friday even a short window considering the level of the threat from groups such as isis et cetera, would provide an opportunity, a danger. are you saying even if you have the votes there will be a period where the powers are suspended? i hope not. i think that will be unfortunate and unnecessary, and that s why i would like to get it passed to
onsequence of doing counterterrorism. these things are going to happen. the mistakes that i think people should focus on much more and ask questions about legitimately are, did the united states underestimate the strength of isis? does the united states know what is going on in syria? did the united states realize that the iraqi army was going to collapse? why did we not know about not have enough early warning about al qaeda? those are the big intelligence failures i worry about. this one, you can t do counterterrorism and expect it s going to be 100%. this is the fog of war, the fog of counterintelligence. okay. you bring up isis. let s talk about isis. i know you have this entire piece that s rolling out, i believe, monday night. before i ask you about it just for our viewers sake there was a poll that just came out today. people were asked, you know, what entity be it north korea, iran, isis et cetera issue isis turned out to be at the top of the list as americans perceive