March 18, 2021 The Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.5 teaser site has gone live.
If you’re eager to sneak a peek at Final Fantasy XIV‘s next major patch, Square Enix is eager to whet your appetite. The teaser site for patch 5.5 has gone live with a new bit of key art hinting at the plot for Death Unto Dawn, and it looks like we’re in for a whole lot of politics in the MMORPG game ahead of the launch of Endwalker later this year.
The teaser site features the likes of Merlwyb, Kan-E-Senna, Nanamo, Raubahn, and other characters who I am scared to Google because I’ve only just finished Heavensward. Their faces are all circling a globe in flames, hinting that the big players in Eorzea are going to be making some major decision about the fate of the world.