Kura Master, a world-renowned sake competition, was held in France on May 22. Afuri Sake from Kikkawa Jozo Sake Brewery in Kanagawa Prefecture was honored with two platinum and one gold award. A remarkable achievement, this win follows on from platinum and gold awards at last year’s event. With consecutive…
The victim, who may have been connected to a gang, was apparently shot at least three times and died after escaping from a restaurant where he was initially shot.
Kanagawa Prefecture will again take part in the Japanese Food Fair in New York City for four days in February, 2023. The event follows the success of the Japanese Food Fair held in New York City last Feb 24-27. Over 36,000 people visited the 2022 event at which 19 companies…
ATSUGI, Kanagawa Prefectuure Four people were killed in a multivehicle accident on the outbound lanes of the Tomei Expressway here early on Nov. 10, police said.