to kill you now. a strange story that only got stranger. they had purple gloves on. and they had blue, floods the gloves. something isn t right here. could he have killed his own father? what really happened in that house. i did not do this! and, a this came forward and changed anything. if this was our story, the strangest thing of all was the truth. he planned for any scenario except for the one that happened to him. . dan was a man who built a fortune, and afford shifts to protect. it then, they found him in his home, with a bloody crime scene. how could someone so vigilant be taken by surprise? it was a riddle that threaten to destroy this family until someone, with an explosive secret, reveal the horrifying truth. here s keith morrison with mystery in hansen canyon. there are people on this glorious, sunkissed passionate of ours. who get up each morning to the miracle of being alive, and worry. not that there aren t things to worry about, of course. bu
someone, with an explosive secret, reveal the horrifying truth. here s keith morrison with mystery in hansen canyon. there are people on this glorious, sunkissed passionate of ours. who get up each morning to the miracle of being alive, and worry. not that there aren t things to worry about, of course. but whether we can do anything about them or not. and some people worry a great deal indeed. and to try to be prepared for whatever. and one of those prepared people was a brilliant, retired university professor. named cain morgan s in. whose sister was ised k. what will happen if i m not prepared and i m hungry, or my kids are hungry? tim we come to your house? and he said, i ll just shoot you. he was definitely willing to protect what he had. oh yes, he certainly was.