Netflix subscribers in search of a spooky film got more than they bargained for when they stumbled upon the 2019 horror Eli, which has given many viewers sleepless nights
Times Netflix Villains Were Actually Right
Times Netflix Villains Were Actually Right
By Matthew Jackson/Dec. 11, 2020 2:42 pm EDT/Updated: Jan. 5, 2021 11:03 am EDT
This content was paid for by Netflix and created by Looper.
We love villains for a lot of reasons. A lot of them look cool, they get many of the best lines, and very often they seem like the people in the movie who are having the most fun. But even if you re obsessed with a villain in your favorite movie, it s still usually pretty clear that they re the bad guy, doing bad things for bad reasons. Unless, of course, you re willing to look a little closer.