That was a kind introduction. My fellow georgians, during my first state of the state speech, i talked about a wise builder who put his house on a sure foundation. The remaining the rain in the wind came and the floodwaters rose, but the house stood firm. I to my hat to governor deal and those lawmakers who came before me, those who poured the concrete and laid the footings, hardworking origins who left this place better than they found it. One year ago i urged those in in building join me a safer stronger and more prosperous state. A state where Small Businesses are empowered to grow and invest and thrive, where government is responsive and effective, a state where health care is affordable and accessible and where the rights of the unborn are protected. I asked lawmakers, republicans in theocrats, to join me fight for the future, to crackdown on gangs and sex trafficking, invest in education , to stand up for values and those we value, to put politics in part decision partisanship be