First. I am pleased to welcome him to this table. Bono. L a nice quote from charlie he send me a gmail saying, i was in for a treat. You loved music from the start. Bono, what an incredible man he is. He facetimed me while he was heading into the bbc. He said that charlie rose is like a smooth jazz musician, you will have a great conversation. In between promotions and building the record he took that time. Charlie what about the music . Michael live music i got lucky , when i was young. Small town, canadian boy. I dont know why, but i have always felt a great love for live music. There was a character in kennett canada, a promoter. I would read about him. Stole the Rolling Stones from bill graham presents, which was a legendary steel. He became the first global promoter. Sitting in thunder bay and reading back, i just wanted to be michael cole. This idea of the man behind the concert with a real job and pursuit, i was taken. Charlie it was more than just a business, it was a business