in language that kim jong-un will understand because he doesn t seem to understand diplomatic language. the think the president wanted to be clear to the north korean regime that the u.s. unquestionable ability to defend itself, will defend itself and its allies and i think it was important that he deliver that message to avoid any miscal lags on their part. we just received these pictures from the u.s. pacific forces of air force plaensznes arriving in guam, there to conduct military operations with japan and south korea. often after a north korean active aggression, planes from japan and south korea fly near the demilitarized zone. the u.s. planes are often based in guam, where they come from. nbc news chief global correspondent bill neely joins us us and reporter for kun news
worry about the danger of miscalculation of either president trump or kim jong-un reading the signals wrongly and here there is no such thing, ali, as a limited war because seoul with its 25 million population in the metro area would suffer most of all. just miles from the demilitarized zone, you have articulated this perfectly, bill, that there s no room for miscalculation. there s no room for error here. i want to bring representative madeleine boredao into the conversation. the governor of guam assured the citizens today, let s play that briefly and i ll ask you about it. i m working with homeland security and rear admiral and united states to ensure our safety. i want to reassure the people of guam that currently there is no threat to our island or the marian nas, no change in the
against any possible missile threat to guam. we re told by military officials this has a 100% accuracy rate. aside from the thaad, there are warships throughout the japan sea and the area surrounding guam. there s definitely a mixed reaction. momentarily we re going to go through how a thaad missile defense system works and what the u.s. presence is in the pacific. it s actually fairly substantial, which congresswoman is probably what gives people in guam some peace of the 168,000 people americans you re talking about in guam, 162,000 are civilians and then you ve got 6,000 military, i may have those numbers a little off. do you have a is there a plan in place for guam in the event that you learn that an attack is imminent? ali, is that question to me? yes, it is, sorry, yes. i would put my faith in the military. we re very fortunate.
base and naval base. guam is also home to more than 162,000 american citizens. the threat does not stop at guam, north korea has demonstrated that the missiles could reach u.s. soil that they could arm with nuclear weapons. this morning president trump doubling down, retweeting this report, president trump vows america will respond to north korean thoughts with fire and fury and warning to the rogue nation. then he added, my first order as president was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. it is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before. hopefully we will never have to use this power but there will never be a time we are not the most powerful nation in the world. secretary of state rex tillerson addressing the situation this morning aboard his plane before making a previously scheduled refueling stop in guam enroute home from the trip to asia. i think the president sending a strong message to north korea,
guam has been under occupation during world war ii so we ve been through a lot. we re very patriotic community and the military is there to protect us and i have full faith in them, that they will protect us in this case, but i wouldn t put anything past north korea and i m hoping that the president should work with our allies in this area and try to work something out. we don t want a war because in a crisis like an all right war, all we do is lose so many people, casualties occur and everybody is disoriented and we went through the war during world war ii, so guam knows. i have full faith in the military. thac they ve assured me, matttis and harris, assured me that guam they ll take good care of guam. we will be protected. bill, i want to ask you one thing, the outliers here is that