the story. reporter: ibm computer watson, meet ken jennings and brad rudder. each human has won more than $2 million playing jeopardy. now it s go time. to see it actually play with the best human players is something new. something that s never been possible before. reporter: until now. this was a dry run for our cameras. watson in the middle. it won, by the way, against these jeopardy champions. so how big is watson? well, there it is right there. it s the size of ten refrigerators. look at the head. that s the globe right there. with the crisscross lines. you can see it thinking. the color of the lines correspond to how certain it is about its response. if he s very confident that he has or it has we shouldn t personalize it. that watson has the correct response, those lines will be green. they will be orange if he s uncertain. reporter: pretty cool. do you think we ll ever have three watsons up here instead of two human beings and one
watson, meet ken jennings and brad rudder. each human has won more than $2 million playing jeopardy. now it s go time. to see it actually play with the best human players is something new. something that s never been possible before. reporter: until now. this was a dry run for our cameras. watson in the middle. it won, by the way, against these jeopardy champions. so how big is watson? well, there it is right there. it s the size of ten refrigerators. look at the head. that s the globe right there. with the crisscross lines. you can see it thinking. the color of the lines correspond to how certain it is about its response. if he s very confident that he has or it has we shouldn t personalize it. that watson has the correct response, those lines will be green. they will be orange if he s uncertain. reporter: pretty cool. do you think we ll ever have three watsons up here instead of two human beings and one computer? that is certainly possible. and that would be a lot of