the president said democrats are in trouble even in california telling a democratic fund-raiser for barbara boxer not to take her re-election for granted. unless she s got our support she might not use this thing. it is the campaign of florida republican governor charlie christ hoping to become senator christ that grabbed the political headlines as it twisted his party into knots. the state s primary is not until august, but the deadline to switch parties is ten day away. with christ trailing his opponent badly in the polls he tells the national review damn right i m staying in this race. yesterday going farther than he has so far, suggesting he might stay in the race as an independent. crist tell wfts-tv, i m getting a lot of advice in that direction. i m a listener, and certainly listening to it. senator john country first mccain says he will withdraw his endorsement of christ. depending on which parties he belongs to, mccain telling the hill i support republicans. after eric c
unless she s got our support she might not use this thing. it is the campaign of florida republican governor charlie cris hoping to become senator cris that grabbed the political headlines as it twisted his party into knots. the deadline to switch parties is ten day away. with cris trailing his opponent badly in the polls he tells the national review damn right i m staying in this race. suggesting he might stay in the race as an independent. he said i m getting a lot of advice and listening to it. senator john country first mccain says he will withdraw his endorsement of cris. saying i support republicans. after eric cantor endorsed marco rubio and the executive producer
x-37b in the desert. on thursday the prototype is scheduled to launch into space from cape canaveral. spending hundreds of millions, the air force is being secretive of the other potential uses of the drone that looks like it is going backwards. eric cantor dumps charlie cris out of fear of the tea party. is john mccain the next to try that? has a healing touch. there s a factory giving old industries new life. and there s a train that got a whole city moving again. somewhere in america, the toughest questions are answered every day. because somewhere in america, more than sixty thousand people spend every day answering them. siemens. answers.
space. once the regular shuttles have been retired. it s only 29 feet long, 15-foot wingspan. the air force has landed the x-37b in the desert. it s an ex-37b. i m pronouncing it as an x. on thursday the prototype is scheduled to launch into space from cape canaveral. after having spent hundreds of millions on the project, the air force is being secretive about the other potential uses of the drone. it looks like it s going backwards. eric cantor dumps charlie crist out of fear of the tea party. is john mccain the next to try that? . you re right. i m getting more air. -oh, yeah. -oh, wow! [ female announcer ] for two free samples, go to what are you really buying? a shiny coat of paint? a list of features? what about the strength of the steel? the integrity of its design. or how it responds. in extreme situations? the deeper you look, the more you see the real differences. and the more you understand what it means
do, but we all know that john mccain was never a maverick. independents are watching. as they ve been doing really since april of last year. the message from this is that the republican party apparatus are going to chase out anyone who makes independent noises. remember the tipping point for crist in the past few days was him vetoing an education bill backed by jeb bush, backed by conservative republicans. he made a stab towards a more independent position, something liberals would like. that got his campaign manager to quit, that got an avalanche of endorsements to go from him to marco rubio. they are enforcing the ideology here. that is what independents are saying. correct me if i m wrong, but the republicans are pushing out the guy who has the better shot at roping in independents who wins the senate seat in a three-way race? but they re also that is true. quinnipiac poll that came out this week shows crist winning narrowly in a three-way race, doing better than the democrat.