Eileen Fisher went from industry outlier to godmother of a movement. Now, she is getting ready to pass the torch, starting with a new chief executive at her company.
On the Market in the New York Region
Ramsey Four-Bedroom Stone House • $980,000 • NEW JERSEY • 232 Wyckoff Avenue
A four-bedroom, two-full-and-three-half-bath, stone-faced Victorian-style house built in 1911 and fully updated, with a modern eat-in kitchen, renovated bathrooms, a large enclosed sunroom, two fireplaces, a wraparound porch and a detached garage/carriage house that’s been converted into a recreation space with an upstairs office, on 0.28 acres.
Melissa Shiel, Keller Williams Village Square Realty, 201-232-7756; kwvillagesquare.yourkwoffice.com
Laura Moss for The New York Times
On the Market in the New York Region
This week’s properties are a four-bedroom in Ramsey, N.J., and a six-bedroom in Irvington, N.Y.