Am Echad, a Branch of Agudath Israel of America, Cautions That the Escalating Political Rhetoric in Israel Over the Netanyahu-led Government's Efforts to Defang the Judiciary Has 'Crossed a Red Line'
Jewish American leaders are denouncing a proposal by the country’s right-wing government to weaken the power of the country’s judiciary, in ways that some call unusually forceful.
APN's mission is to educate and persuade the American public and its leadership to support and adopt policies that will lead to comprehensive, durable, Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab peace, based on a two-state solution, guaranteeing both peoples security, and consistent with U.S. national interests.
U.S. Jewish leaders are sounding alarms about what they see as a threat to Israel’s democracy posed by its new government, fearing it will erode the independence of its judiciary and legal protections.