Rochester Model Railroad club open house Large (40 x 60) foot HO train layout depicting the Lehigh Valley railroad of the 1950'S from Buffalo thru Pennsylvania to Jersey City. Members have used photos, actual plans and on-site visits and pictures to recreate many of the actual scenes, buildings and bridges along the railroad which the club calls the Seneca Valley Lines. One of the highlights of the layout is the Lehigh Valley Gorge. The layout is fully scenicked and there are over 3000 trees. During the annual open house there will be a continuous parade of trains. Thomas the Tank engines and cars will make a
Eastman@Washington Square Concert Series: Piano Extravaganza II A second installment of masterpieces for piano performed by students from the studio of Professor Douglas Humpherys.
Eastman@Washington Square Concert Series: Piano Extravaganza I Come hear the students from the studio of Professor Douglas Humpherys perform fabulous works for solo piano
Eastman@Washington Square - Hope-Jones Organ Showcase Rejoice with the sound of the First Universalist Church’s organ as organist Keith Reas showcases this important and beautiful instrument.
Eastman@Washington Square - Piano Extravaganza II A second installment featuring students from the piano studio of Professor Alexander Kobrin. Sol Park and Xu Guo will be performing music by Bach, Mozart and Schubert.