You might get your refund, but get audited and be asked to repay the money, including interest and penalties. Even if you relied on advisers, you are on the hook.
Tax advisors are not allowed to charge a percentage of what they save you on your return. But amended returns, refund claims and refund suits can be success based.
IRS tax enforcement led to the collection of $38 million from tax-evading millionaires. But the agency isn’t done making the wealthy pay up. The IRS allocated some of its funding from the Inflation Reduction Act to tax enforcement, and tax-evading millionaires and billionaires are targets. The agency has already closed approximately 175 delinquent tax cases, resulting in a $38 million payday for the U.S. government. With billions of dollars of potential IRS funding on the line (some of which Rep
As has been widely reported, Hunter Biden only ended up with misdemeanor charges, to which he plead guilty. Wesley Sniped plead not guilty but was convicted at trial.