On Irrfan Khan s 57th birth anniversary, his son Babil Khan shared a throwback picture of the late actor celebrating his birthday with filmmaker Anup Singh. | Bollywood
From sharing pictures of his vacation with his actress-wife Anushka Sharma, who will soon be seen playing Jhulan Goswami in the woman cricketer's biopic, to praising Suryakumar Yadav's blitz of a knock against Sri Lanka in the third T20I, the cricketer is on a roll on social media
Irrfan s son Babil recounts how he gathered the strength to deal with the loss of his father, "When it first happened, the first day, I didn t believe it. One week had passed and it hit then. And then I just went into a really bad spiral. I just locked myself in my room for one and a half months." Read on.