Kilkenny-based Design & Crafts Council Ireland unveils projects to help people get creative under Covid
Reporter: Liesa O’Keeffe of Liese O’Keeffe Alterations and her daughter Isobel (13) practice some knitting therapy at their home in county Kilkenny );
Many of Ireland’s craftspeople and makers are bringing their talents into homes and communities across the country as part of an inspirational nationwide campaign unveiled by Kilkenny-based Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI).
A giant glass quilt ‘sewn together’ by makers across the country, community benches forged by blacksmiths and online workshops for children and adults are just some of the creative projects inspired by the Government’s ‘Keep Well’ campaign.
The theme of the unique installation is A Breath Of Fresh Air.
“We wanted to choose a theme that is very broad based and which encapsulated what a lot of different people living in different parts of the county or the world are currently experiencing during lockdown,” Ms Soden said.
“The idea of A Breath Of Fresh Air can be interpreted very literally or in a more abstract way.
“It can relate to the distance people have to their families and loved ones, the emotional experience of living in isolation, what individuals see or feel while exploring their limited area or perhaps new experiences they have enjoyed or found challenging during this period.