From October Newnham students portrait exhibition Newnham College, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DF To mark Black History Month and its 150th anniversary,
Brandon Sun By: Tyler Clarke Save to Read Later
Three days after hosting a grand opening for The Iris Café in Erickson, Celeste Rutherford was forced to shut down its dining area.
Three days after hosting a grand opening for The Iris Café in Erickson, Celeste Rutherford was forced to shut down its dining area.
The province fell under level red in the Pandemic Response System on Nov. 12, offering her a rude introduction to the world of café ownership.
The Iris Café owner Celeste Rutherford holds up an early sign for her business, which has since opened. (Submitted)
Thankfully, she said, the community’s support persevered through online ordering and curbside pickup.