Easter will be celebrated on May 5 by Australian communities who follow Christian Orthodox faiths, and the lack of a public holiday to mark the occasion does little to deter the faithful.
Early sales of hot cross buns in Australia have once again caught the attention of shoppers. What's the historical significance of the treat, and why have they traditionally been confined to the Easter period?
Romanian heritage ascribing to the faith you will hear them saying
Hristos a înviat -
Adevărat a înviat.
This is just one example of common traditions across Australia’s ethnic groups celebrating Orthodox Easter, which include members of the Russian, Eritrean, Armenian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Ethiopian communities.
The Epitaphio (the symbolic funeral bier of Christ) during a Good Friday at Greek Orthodox Church of St. Athanasios at Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney, April, 2015
Key points
The strong community appeal of Orthodox Easter is a common denominator across diverse communities celebrating in Australia
Traditional staples combine religious elements with family activities