guide you into capitulation. you know, you can t be neville chamberlain moments like this .s that s right. r i mean, you can t have basically vladimir putin being the security adviser to the united states government basically dictatingov the terms on which the united states government should or should not operatet and answer the wmd point, as dan just rightly t mentioned, you know that has already been answered. the question of whether or notld vladimir putin would use wmd. he s already used them. he used them in my home city ofi londonn the, the polonium that he used to kill a litvinenko would have if it had gone out wider, have been able to kill tens of thousands of people. it was w a demonstration of strength. th it was a demonstration from him that he was willing to do this sort of thing. so would he be willing to useec wmd? yes, because he alreadye has. that s a scary historical note. but noted well, i hope people are paying attention. douglas murray, good to see you. aldan hoffma
as far aspeng mr. manafort is concerned, he s presumed innocent until such time as the jurors go in and begin their deliberations. their verdict should be based upon the evidence and nothing else, how the president feels, how senator murphy feels, how you feel, how i feel, it s simply based upon the evidence and somehow that s so gotten away from us! david: all right, gentlemen, thank you, both. iri mean, great legal analysis. kendall, randy, great to see you both. how the media is colluding with the intel resistance to take down president trump. details next on this ingraham angle special. take downwnwnwnwn
some quarters. are they playing into his hands? into putin s hands? absolutely. you re doing russia s work for them. you re doing our adversary s work for them when internally you have people, whether they re inside our government or now recently outside of our government seeking to undermine our own country, our ownco democratically elected government. you re absolutely right. that s a real concern that i have as really one of the reasons why john brennan shouldn t have a security clearance. you should make an example of him. and if you do any type of an intel you analyze him and you look at just emotionally, mentally whether or not he s got it altogether, and also whether he understands rules right now when he s accusing the president of high crimes and misdemeanors after the helsinki summit, if you do an analysis on john
over this. the media gets a headline or perhaps a soundbite and the analysis comes out with coverage i want the democratic party to be healthy. i for some time have been uncomfortable with the incestuous relationship between the intelligence community and the certain elements of the media and the democratic party. i felt that the party should be focusing on a platform where we re almost to the midterms and the democratic party is so focused on this,th they don t he a platform. to be honest, i would have to agree with you based on what i see. i think the intelligence community has kind of taken over kind of like an octopus and taken over a lot of parts of the mainstream media and the democratic party. i don t think thehe democratic party is any better for it i don t know if they re blind or just going along with it, but it s not helping them. wow. david: let s talk about the leaks. i ll just ping-pong in between the two of you. we got you right here. the leaks coming from
billion, which would be the same as the defense budget this year. so one bomber carrying nuclear weapons is one quarter of the cost of that is $500 million. which is the total budget we have just for trying to find the cure. so how do we protect the american people, with more bombers or putting the research into alzheimer s where their families are really threatened and the balance becomes more budgetble. the motor we do, the better off and healthieier america wil be. so we could not be better served than glen campbell. r i mean, getting on the stage and singing, that must be fun, right? coming to congressional office, that s really generous. do you know where your playing tonight? the library of congress. that s right.