does he see no need to reach out to sunnis, to kurds? he seems to believe his rivals are traitors, it s hard to believe it but prime minister mall la maliki believes he s an iraqi democrat and everything he does, he truly seems to believe at least in my experience is necessary for iraq. that is hard for him to do anything other than what he thinks is best. last week maliki blamed the aud d saudis, they do not want to get involved in iraq. we have arms flowing to the shia government and perhaps bombing targets. this is no longer iraq. is this is a regional war, isn t it? right. first of all werks ne need to recognize the iraqi civil war
merged. the studiestudies, turks being into the war and the problem is of course, that could get worse. you know, we ve seen lots of other civil wars that start out as a civil war with different neighbors backing different sides but then when somebody s proxy starts to lose, it s great power, neighboring backer as a choice to make. do we let them go down the tubes or double down and invade? too often they invade themselves. think about lebanon and provoked a war between israel and syria. nick, have you seen any evidence of iraqi forces able to retake territory that they have already lost to isis or to other sunni groups? no, i mean the short answer is we haven t seen them able to do that, around anderson. thanks very much. i want to go to my next guest, he s the author of out of the mountains the coming age
they are hitting them with air power on the move as they march on baghdad is pretty iffy. we don t have eyes on the ground. even though they are a new form of army they are not as recognizable as traditional targets. so the way you will have to hit them is go to what used to be syria and hit their bases. and frankly that will hurt them. slow them. but air power alone won t stop them. bill: it s a bigger and wider war, are we ready for that? we don t have to get into boots on the ground at this point. this is not just people are saying we have to prevent an iraqi civil war. there is not on an iraqi civil war, it s a civil war raging throughout the arab middle east and persia into iran between sunni and shiia and the
economy. and, you know, you put it very nicely. the president seems focused on counterterrorism. i don t think that that s a dumb way to approach, given our limited options. but we ve got to recognize the bigger problem is the wider iraqi civil war. counterterrorism will have no impact on that. where are you on partition at this point? they re never going to give back kirkuk so they re self-partitioned? i think kirkuk should have always been kurdish. i also think that the kurds deserve their own state. they re a nation by any reasonable set of criteria. i think there s a high likelihood that they will declare independence over the course of the next year. i think the key for them will the united states recognize it? i would say if the turks recognize it, the united states should too. should the united states encourage the turks to recognize? they should. look, kurd the kurds have never wanted to be part of iraq. there s been enormous instability and conflict in iraq and
adult daughter egged them on. they proved they ll protect and serve. residents are enjoying this softer more humorous side of their officers. why am i soft in the middle now it s been fun just seeing people s response to it. i can call you betty and betty when you call me you can call me al and today s top trender, nation building. this is an iraqi civil war. and it s time for iraqis to resolve it themselves. we were in there nine years and we re not going to go back. we re not. war weary democrats want a focus on infrastructure, not iraq. it s not worth of blood, the american soldiers and not worth the monetary cost to the american taxpayer. we ll get the same results again. rather than spending hundreds and billions of dollars in the war in iraq. the iraq war could end up costing american taxpayers $4 trillion. how about we use that money to rebuild our nation s