different than what donald trump is saying. and that s a problem. also the fact is, this all sort of people keep talking about policy. they keep talking about trump s undoing policy. you ve been saying this forever. that s not going to work, right? no, it s not going to work. the policies are the same. what michael was referring to except for single pair. that s right. and also trump pointed out he was the first off the iraq war train. yes. he also doesn t want to cut social security. he only shares that with huckabee on some level. right. this whole attempt to say, this is just about a personality, the fact is that there is no real policy center to the republican party for at least a decade. that s the point. that s why all they can do is to go on the most extreme edges of any type of issue and stake themselves out there so that they can attract some attention with this sort of death star that is donald trump. it s the only way let me push back on that. i disag
definition of rape, a violent act. so a lot of what republicans are doing to me aren t very different tan what donald trump is saying. and that s a problem. and also the fact is this all sort of, you know, people keep talking about policy, right? they keep talking about trump s undoing policy. you have been saying this forever, that s not going to work, right? it s not going to work, the policies are the same. except for a single payer. that s right. also, trump pointed out, he was the first off the iraq war train and he also doesn t want to cut social security. so he only shares that with huckabee. so this whole attempt now to say this is all about a cult of personality. the fact is that there has been no real policy center to the republican party for at least a decade. that s the point. that s why all they can do is to go on the most xtreme edges of any type of issue and stake themselves out there. so they request attract some attention with this sort of