said, it s a big claim. and we should take it seriously if the president of the united states is saying that. we should look into it, see if there is anything there or not. if not, i imagine he will be rebuked. would you be one to rebuke him if there is no evidence that comes to the fore? absolutely. absolutely. congressman. let s talk about the travel ban the president signed today, the revised travel ban. mm-hmm. you agreed with the president at the beginning with taking a pause, but you had a problem with some of his rhetoric at the time. do you support what you have seen today, the revisions, taking iraq out, for example, and making clear that people who have green cards and so forth are excluded from this? well, i agree i still disagree with the rhetoric that happened before, but i certainly agree with taking a pause. i think it s important to keep in mind and yes, you re right, it is important that folks with green cards who are here legally are not