incentive for the family to realize, look i might have blown it at home. i might have missed the leading indicator of my child s radicalization. and if the federal authorities are not going to reach out, i ve got to be able to have some type of a guarantee that this young man, this young woman may in fact have a future beyond staying in prison the rest of his or her life. spider, what do you think about this new so-called military offensive, these troops in iraq, shiite militias backed by iran supposedly. they made the announcement. are they going to get anywhere against isis in ramadi? this is a really difficult step. the only folks that have been showing up in combat have been the shia militia, the nek, the quds force. the challenge is you re injecting a shia element. that has indicated not only a desire but an ability to fight smack-dab in the middle of sunni anbar. and the second largest city in