he s a very conservative and very intense 17-year-old. the first thing the teacher will ask is what you did over the summer. a lot of kids will say i went to the zoo or i went to the beach or i went to a baseball game. what are you going to say? i watched the iran contra hearings. if mom and dad thought this generation was going to the dogs, think again. this is the generation that has discovered hard work and success. american culture is changing in the 80s. and in terms of television, there s a whole notion of demographic segmentation. networks were beginning to not be afraid to appeal to a very specific demographic. hey, handsome. look at that shirt. is that a power shirt or what? nice suit, alan. good shoulder pads. you looking to get drafted by the eagles? 30-somethings said we re not going to have cops, lawyers or doctors. we re just going to be about people. what are we doing here, why did we start this business? to do our thing. but right now we got two wiv
return to give in-person testimony live on tv, public testimony, this week. and then this defense that we are seeing being formed by the republicans. yes, absolutely. this is very similar to the iran contra hearings, which i also participated in as counsel to the select committee. wherein you do a lot of depositions before the hearings. the minority attends. the majority attends. everybody gets to ask questions. and then you narrow down the list of public testimony and public witnesses that will come to the actual televised hearings. so that s exactly how this is proceeding. and this is typically how impeachments have proceeded as well. in the nixon impeachment, we went out and did depositions and then we selected those witnesses that were key and had key information for the impeachment itself. i would also mention that the congressional committees can give immunity to witnesses. and this is something not many people have discussed.
i watched the iran-contra hearings. if mom and dad thought this generation was going to the dogs, think again. this is the generation that has discovered hard-workin success. american culture is changing in the 80s. and in terms of television, there s a whole notion of demographic segregation. networks were beginning to not be afraid to appeal to a very specific demographic. hi, handsome. look at that shirt. nice suit, ellen. good shoulder pads. are you looking to get drafted by the eagles? thirtysomething said we re just going to be about people. why did we start this business? to do our thing. right now we it are have two wives, three kids, four cars, two mortgages, a payroll. and that s life, pal, you be the breadwinner now. is that what i am? thirtysomething is a very
enough to see that they had something special, and they wrote to that. it s not fair, alex. yeah. there s nothing you can do about it, jen. my advice to you is that you just enjoy being a child for as long as you can. i know i did. it was the best two weeks of my life. alex is a little bill buckley. the wall street journal is his bible. he has a tie to go with his pajamas. he s a very conservative and very intense 17-year-old. the first thing the teacher s going to ask is what you did over the summer. a lot of kids will say i went to the zoo or i went to the beach or i went to a baseball game. what are you going to say? i watched the iran-contra hearings. if mom and dad thought this generation was going to the dogs, think again. this is the generation that has discovered hard work and success. american culture is changing
what are you going to say? i watched the iran contra hearings. if mom and dad thought this generation was going to the dogs, think again. this is the generation that has discovered hard work and success. american culture is changing in the 80s. and in terms of television, there s a whole notion of demographic segmentation. networks were beginning to not be afraid to appeal to a very specific demographic. hey, handsome. look at that shirt. is that a power shirt or what? nice suit, alan. good shoulder pads. you looking to get drafted by the eagles? 30-somethings said we re not going to have cops, lawyers or doctors. we re just going to be about people. what are we doing here, why did we start this business? to do our thing. but right now we got two wives, three kids, four cars, two mortgages, a payroll. and that s life, pal. you be the breadwinner now. is that what i am? 30 something is a very important show as you are going