a foreign military a terrorist group what are you hoping to achieve while the costs of doing business with the i.r.g.c. has gone up today and it s important that we do that it we re never going to have a more peaceful or stable middle east without weakening the ira g.c. and the qods force they are the principal driver of iran s expansionist foreign policy and i think since two thousand and seven they have been fairly successful but that sort of success comes a great cost to united states and also to our european allies what are the consequences of the decision today well we have it we have certain authorities that we now can use to prosecute people who provide material support to the ira g.c. in the cards force it also creates immigration issues for people who if they do that you can also come to the united states and it also gives us a range of new tools to essentially stigmatize and isolate the i.r.g.c.
in the cards force and this is important because the i.r.g.c. controls possibly more than half of iran s economy and so when you ve got european companies or any companies around the world who are doing business in iran it very well could be an eye or g.c. front company and we know that they use that revenue and they spend it in places like syria and lebanon and iraq and yemen with the huth these and in bahrain supporting their militias so we think this is a very appropriate thing to do it adds a new layer of sanctions on top of our existing sanctions on the ira g.c. critics however say that this move will have that will or limited impact and that that could complicate the work of the u.s. military and u.s. diplomats especially in iraq where many militias and iraqi political parties have close ties to iran and revolutionary guard so how are you going to address those concerns i think it s a two part question on the first part this. it is a tool that congress gave us in one nine hundred