January 13, 2021
Washington – The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) took action today against two organizations, along with their leaders and subsidiaries, controlled by the Supreme Leader of Iran, the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order (EIKO), and Astan Quds Razavi (AQR). While purportedly charitable organizations (bonyads), EIKO and AQR control large swaths of the Iranian economy, including assets expropriated from political dissidents and religious minorities, to the benefit of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and senior Iranian government officials. Alongside the previously designated Bonyad Mostazafan, itself controlled by the Supreme Leader, and the IRGC-owned Khatam al-Anbiya, AQR and EIKO are said to control more than half of the Iranian economy.
Astan Quds Razavi to turn Imam Reza (a.s.) holy shrine of Imam Reza into hub of innovation
Astan Quds Razavi has plans to turn the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS) into a center of creativity, innovation and support for ideas and knowledge-based companies.
Text Encryption Based on Glider in the Game of Life Correspondence to: Majid Vafaei Jahan, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Abstract The Game of Life cellular automaton is a classic example of a massively parallel collision-based computing device. The automaton exhibits mobile patterns, gliders, and generators of the mobile patterns, glider guns, in its evolution. We show how to construct basic logical operations, AND, OR, NOT in space-time configurations of the cellular automaton. Also, decomposition of complicated Boolean functions is discussed. Also in this paper advantages of our technique are demonstrated on an example of a method for text encryption by mapping text to binary space. This method is based on glider and rules of Game of Life.
Afghan, Iran Local Officials Sign Trade Agreement
2021-01-09 Afghan, Iran Local Officials Sign Trade Agreement
Kabul (BNA) Iranian media reported that two provinces of Afghanistan and Iran on Thursday signed an agreement covering the energy, transportation, customs, production and investment sectors.
The agreement signed during fourth meeting of the Joint Economic Committee of Khorasan Razavi Province and Herat Province of Afghanistan said IRNA.
Iranian officials said that four working groups on customs and trade, transportation and transit, energy and fuel, and a production and investment working group held meetings to review issues of priority for the parties which led to the signing of an agreement.
Mohammad Haneef Atmar, Afghan Foreign Minister has discussed the latest developments in the Afghan peace process with the US Special Representative for