made three big mistakes. first he minimized the strike against the u.s. aircraft in international airspace. it wasn t an accident as the president suggested. it was a third effort by iran to down u.s. aircraft. the first was successful over yemen. the week before last. and they shot at one of our predators which put over top the stricken tanker the week before last and then they took down for the first time a u.s. flag carrier in international airspace over international waters. so first he minimized it. second, he yanked the operation out from under the troops and i think any time you give a command downrange, you have to have clarity and discipline. you don t want the troops at the strike group commander level or wing commander level looking over their shoulder wondering whether or not the president is going to pull back an order. third, he told an obvious falsehood that he called it off because of civilian casualties. we all know he was briefed about that hours before. that was not
this proves that some of the evidence that they have released proves that the global hawk drone, which flies at a very high altitude, flying over international waters. not over iran at the time. as hard for us to tell from the evidence that the u.s. military has presented, if, in fact, that was the case. you would want to know where the debris landed, and it s hard to know the coordinates, but from what the u.s. military is saying, that drone was in international waters about 20 miles from the coastline of iran. in that case, this is what escalated this to an international crisis. melissa: forgive me for saying this, but that is exactly what we thought this video is going to prove, was that it was over international waters and not over iran. that is the point of dispute. i am so sorry that i said that backwards from what i actually meant. there isn t anything in here
here is the problem. iran would be a parking lot, whether we attack them or israel. they have up to 400 nuclear weapons, and even if we pulled out of the deal, if they were enriching uranium, they could not amass that type of melissa: go ahead. we will get back to that in a second. i want to get to jennifer griffin right now, who has more on all of the story. it is interesting for me to note that the messenger so far on this, not president trump you do you have lindsey graham out there making the case. we have heard from military personnel for the past few days who have been out providing that evidence that the attacks on the various tankers were from iran, but they want to make sure, i would say from a messaging standpoint, that they show this isn t about president trump and his temper or whatever else might be thrown that way.
you start to draw that together. it makes it pretty clear that this is over international waters. we are going to wait on further evidence. harris: absolutely. melissa: i wanted to ask jennifer this harris: that is what the person was talking about. melissa: making the point that this may have been an accident. maybe perhaps leaders in iran aren t in control of it anymore. can you make the point for us again? i think that would be the conclusion. either that the iranian leadership is not in control of the iranian revolutionary guard units that if they took it upon themselves, without going up the chain of command to fire this weapon, that would be one explanation, but i don t think again, we don t have proof of that. what i think the president is likely doing is leaving the iranian leaders wiggle room to say that this was of a rogue unit, so that he can get those iranian leaders back to the negotiating table so that they can hang around an the nuclear
when asked whether he planned to strike back against iran, he said you ll see. sort of leaving a little innuendo there. i think even that is perhaps saying too much. typically in the situation, they don t want to box the president and until they ve debated the military options. melissa: what do you make of them not taking any questions? you heard them shouting afterwards questions, saying ony aren t you taking any questions? there is nothing normal about the way this pentagon press corps has been treated. we use to have regular briefin briefings. not just an audio briefing with no questions, but you would have the chairman of the joint chie chiefs, the defense secretary in the briefing room, taking questions, or senior leaders. we have not had a formal briefing in the briefing room for over a year. it is very unusual, the way that they are presenting information. expecting the press to simply