iQoo 9 and iQoo 9 Pro will launch with modified specifications in India, according to a tipster. The smartphones, which were launched in China on January 5, are tipped to come with some features removed or tweaked in order to keep costs low. iQoo 9 is tipped to launch with a Snapdragon 888 SoC in India, while iQoo 9 Pro is tipped to launch with the latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 SoC.
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iQoo 9 series will come with iQoo 9 and iQoo 9 Pro smartphones, and the key specifications of both the phones include information about the camera sensors. The series is expected to pack a Samsung GN5 50-megapixel primary sensor. The iQoo 9 Pro will come with a 150-degree ultra-wide angle lens with fisheye mode.