Earlier, Sharma had been arrested in connection with the ‘Lakhkhan Bhaiyya’ fake encounter case of 2006 in which a Sessions Court acquitted him. In 2008, the Maharashtra government dismissed Sharma from the force for alleged nexus with the underworld.
Recently, when he was asked if he would join politics, he had said that he had not thought about it but would be willing to serve the country in any capacity, leading to speculations of him entering the political fray.
Baburao Shinde, Sayed s former PA, has been charged with violating provisions of the Indian Criminal Code 506 (2) (criminal intimation), 500 (defamation), and 509 (word, gesture, or act intended to offend the modesty of a woman).
The issue cropped up after Sayed's PA, Baburao Shinde, conducted a press conference in his hometown in Ahmednagar district where he levelled serious charges against Sayed.