Just how much time do our councillors spend doing actual council stuff?
Back in the day it was pretty common, especially in country areas, to see local representatives balance what you might call “a day job” with their civic duties.
I would almost go as far to say that it was encouraged – that people trusted mayors and councillors who also had a local business, or who were invested in the local region through work.
But times they change. Councillors get paid a lot of money now, by most people’s standards.
Even today, $120 grand a year is good money – certainly nothing to be sneezed at – and I can understand why voters expect more from councillors as a result.
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Subscriber only IMPOSING but majestic, Mirrigin the wedge-tailed eagle has made a new home for herself close to care and all the treats she could want. During the past 2.5 years, she has undergone rehabilitation and extensive vet treatment after she was shot from the sky in 2017. A couple spotted Mirrigin while she lay bleeding from the wound and rushed her to the vet, saving her life. Nursed back to health after she was shot from the sky, Mirrigin the wedge-tailed eagle is now living at the Ipswich Nature Centre. Photo: Ebony Graveur Though she made a full recovery at the Gatton University of Queensland Vets Small Animal Hospital, the bone in her wing failed to fuse, meaning she is tragically unable to soar to the great heights her kind a famous for.