health. we re just half hour away now from the start of what s billed to be a grilling for goldman sachs on capitol hill. top executives for the company will face a senate subcommittee over allegations that the company misled investors. and mexico has just issued a travel alert to the its citizens who have plans to travel to arizona. and for those who either reside or study in the state due to that immigration law that was just signed by the governor. well, the story starts with a mistake in a bar. an apple employee who left the iphone prototype by accident and now it s a full-fledged police investigation. authorities raided the home of a blogger who got his hands on the phone and then published the first photos of apple s next generation device. jeff ross son joins us with the details on this story. the plot thickens. this is not the person who found the iphone pro foe type, but the person who what, bought it and talked about it? can i say one thing. who has a prototype and le