During the Amazon Great Indian Festival sale, the iPhone 11 is available at the lowest ever price since launch. The iPhone 11 can be grabbed at a price of Rs 38,999. This price is for the base model with 64GB storage.
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It has been just a few months since Apple started selling the iPhone 12 series in India and these phones are already getting some great offers. After the Amazon offer with an overall discount of Rs 10,000, it is Maple who is now showering some discounts on the latest iPhones. The eyeball-grabbing offer comes on the flagship iPhone 12 Pro Max but the other, as well as older models, are also getting certain levels of benefits. Also Read - It’s official, Apple’s Spring Loaded virtual event 2021 is on April 20
The offers are applicable on the iPhone 12 Pro series, and the vanilla iPhone 12 models. Additionally, older models such as the iPhone 11, the iPhone XR, the iPhone SE and the iPhone 11 Pro are also offering some discounts, provided you are making the transaction via HDFC Bank cards. Some of the models are also offering higher exchange bonuses for older iPhone models. The offers can be availed on both the Maple website as well as stores until January 26.