This Week in Other Barks and Bites: two voice actors file a class action lawsuit against an AI company accusing the firm of stealing their voice; the NMPA sends a cease-and-desist letter to Spotify asking the streaming company to pull unlicensed content from their platform; and more.
The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) jumped to 9th place in the World Trademark Review’s (WTR) 2021 IP (intellectual property) Office Innovation Ranking from 24th in the previous year, making the Philippines the only developing country to have an IP office in the top 10 out o
Everything we covered on WTR over the festive period – and all you need to know from the world of trademarks to set yourself up for the start of another busy week.
To coincide with the latest WTR special report, we share exclusive insights from Christian Archambeau, executive director of the EUIPO, on the continued development of the EUITM.