The University of Iowa Undergraduate Student Government voted to pass legislation funding therapy training for the UI Student Care and Assistance’s therapy dog Finn Tuesday night. Finn, handled by Anna Holbrook, associate director of Student Care and Assistance, will work alongside Wilkie, another therapy dog currently with Student Care and Assistance, to provide mental health.
The University of Iowa Undergraduate Student Government established several new constituency positions last spring semester, including one called MENASA. The MENASA senator position, which stands for the Middle East, North African, and South Asian, will be filled by third-year student Will Haddy, who will represent marginalized communities ethnically originating from those geographic regions. Haddy grew.
Members of the University of Iowa Undergraduate Student Government are hopeful after a bill to make renting in Iowa City easier passed through the Iowa House of Representatives this month. House File 305, a bill that outlines a checklist agreement between renters and tenants, passed the House on March 9. This bill follows House File.